
University of Antsiranana

Antsiranana, Madagascar

Dept Contact Person: Marco Frascio

Academic cooperation agreement.

The University of Genoa and the University of Antsiranana are committed to implementing forms of educational, scientific, managerial and cultural cooperation aimed at the development and the promotion of the two academic institutions and countries bonds of friendship on a equal and mutually beneficial basis.

Collaboration between the two institutions may be implemented through student, faculty and non-teaching staff exchange programmes, establishment of degree and doctorate courses, collaboration in activities of particular scientific interest, exchange of scientific information and publications, joint cultural initiatives, development of initiatives aimed at improving governance, joint projects, and dissemination of knowledge acquired under the agreement.

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Bruxelles, Belgium

Dept Contact Person: Francesco Boccardo

Member of the "Comité d'accompagnement" of PhD students at the ULB (Institut Jules Bordet)

Institut Superior d’Entrepreneurship et Gestion (ISEG)

Dakar, Senegal  

Dept Contact Person: Marco Frascio

The agreement currently provides for the exchange of students and faculty under the Erasmus scheme.

Arab University

Beirut, Lebanon 

Dept Contact Person: Stefano Benedicenti     

Educational collaboration

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry A.I.Yevdokimov

Mosca, Russia    

Dept Contact Person: Stefano Benedicenti   

Cooperation agreement







Tashkent Medical Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan    

Dept Contact Person: Domenico Palombo   

Erasmus student exchange

University of Thessaly

Larissa, Greece        

Dept Contact Person: Domenico Palombo

Exchange of Erasmus students and realisation of a joint university master's degree and possibility of activating a PhD in co-tutorship.

Charles University of Prague

Pilsen, Czech Republic      

Dept Contact Person: Domenico Palombo     

Erasmus student exchange

University of Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo, Brasil

Dept Contact Person: Domenico Palombo

Activation of a PhD in co-tutorship

Georg-August University of Göttingen

Göttingen, Germany    

Dept Contact Person: Paolo Pelosi  


Last update 9 July 2024